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Jext ★
3y ago#201
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added #x to townmap locations so the same location name can have multiple selectors on the map. Added #x to the answer system so you can have answers with the same name, but with different triggers/messages.
Jext ★
3y ago#202
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added the Premier Ball bonus to the shop system. Added "level same" for trading.Edited 3y ago by Jext ★.
Jext ★
3y ago#203
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added &cb so you can control when a cut/rocksmash object disappears.
Jext ★
3y ago#204
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed some PC issues. Added &pc=transfer.
Jext ★
3y ago#205
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added a way to change your password.
Jext ★
3y ago#206
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed money getting capped for Trainer battles.
Jext ★
3y ago#207
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed eggs revealing the Mon inside in the Hall of Fame. Fixed the money cap when winning a battle (for real (I think)). Mew can now learn any move in-game. Fixed people not being able to see their own private Trainers and items. Fixed double battles crashing due to selecting a non-existent Mon.Edited 3y ago by Jext ★.
Jext ★
3y ago#208
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Removed Mt. Pallet shinies from the shinies page, and added pages so you can see more than the top ten.
Jext ★
2y ago#209
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added %var% and %mapvar% to the textbox system. Added loop to JCoad. Added lists to JCoad. Every trigger now works with vars, ie jump=%var[height]%.
Jext ★
2y ago#210
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed evolutions. Added 8 new evolution methods. Fixed full boxes showing up after catching a Mon. Recoded battles a bit, so there should be a LOT less glitches now. Hopefully.Edited 2y ago by Jext ★.
Jext ★
2y ago#211
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed a PC glitch regarding reordering. Removed limits from boxes; they can now have an infinite amount of Mons. Added an option to sell a Mon to the PC system. Added an Auction House to the site, where you can bid on or just buy Mons. Improved the search a bit, you should be seeing fewer (or no) private Mons. Fixed a site Dex issue where the Mons would appear outside the box for a split second. Added a gift box system to the PC. Made it so unseen/uncaught Mons are now seen and caught when put in your party. Improved the site shop a bit. Improved the overall search engine a bit. Added notes to the Dex pages. Added a swear filter to Mon nicknames and usernames.
Jext ★
2y ago#212
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added obj.glue([offsetx[, offsety]]) to glue sprites/animations to the camera. Added addition, subtraction and multiplication to vars.Edited 2y ago by Jext ★.
Jext ★
2y ago#213
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed evs/vars.
Jext ★
2y ago#214
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added a Region setting to items.
Jext ★
2y ago#215
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Changed imperial to metric.
Jext ★
2y ago#216
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added Weerdle. Added a mute feature to Dexes. Added relativity to obj.moveto(). Added obj.palette().Edited 2y ago by Jext ★.
Jext ★
2y ago#217
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added %time%.
Jext ★
1y ago#218
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Turned the Dex editorr's compact move editor into a general compact data editor.
Jext ★
1y ago#219
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added flags to the encounters.
1y ago#220
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed battles being won after disconnecting.